General item return policy

-In most cases, if the delivery date cannot be traced back, items shipped from VIRUS-STAR can be delivered 7 days after delivery Returned within 10 days after shipment. If your order has been shipped out, you can contact us to cancel the order within 3 days after delivery. After shipping, you will receive an email with the shipping date and other details of the order. Some products have different strategies or requirements related to them. Only charge the customer one shipping fee (including the return of the goods); the consumer cannot be charged for the return of the product.

Before returning defective items, please contact us to receive the returned shipping address and other instructions.

7-day product guarantee

Is your item damaged, different or unusable? If so, you will be protected and can file a claim, the process is outlined below.

1. Within 7 days of receiving the product, please contact us via photo or video to explain the problem and whether to refund or replace it.

2. We will review the claim and will contact you if more information is needed.

3. If approved, we will return or resend the product, and may also ask you to return the product.

Where should I send returns?

Please contact our customer service at to obtain the return address.

Refund (if applicable)
After receiving and checking your return, we will send you an email notifying you that we have received the return. We will also notify you to approve or reject the refund.
If you are approved, your refund will be processed, and your amount will be returned within a certain number of days via bank account remittance or original payment method.